Friday, 8 November 2013

Prints Gone Wrong

Print One

Print Two

Print Three

So these are some of my prints that didn't work out so well. Print One, you can see that on the right hand side of the print it looks like light has some how leaked on the neg. I'm not entirely sure when it happened, to me its not that noticeably but maybe that's just because I'm looking at it on my screen. The logical thing to do to solve this problem would be to take more care in the processing room and make sure there's no light leaking through the room. 

Print Two, Is a mistake i made by not washing my negs long enough which resulted in the nice long line of chemicals going through the image. Ive found that its better to wash and develop your negs for a little longer then the normal time, it helps make sure that there developed correctly and washed properly. Which if you want well developed and clean negs its good to just be on the safe side and do this.

Print Three, the background is focused rather then the foreground because i used a wider aperture. With most of my film i used 5.6 so i wanted to experiment more with the aperture but as you can see it didn't work so well.

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